Recientemente varias personas en mi empresa comenzaron a adquirir Blackberrys como sus teléfonos celulares personales y con este cambio vino el necesario curso acelerado para poder ayudarlos a configurar todas sus cosas ya que nunca había tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con ningún BB, no voy a hablar de características de los celulares porque estoy seguro que hay suficiente información al respecto en otros sitios y cuando tenga en mis manos uno podre dar mi punto de vista personal al respecto.
Todos estos teléfonos vinieron de E.U. (actualmente me encuentro en Colombia) y fueron comprados usados, así que todos ellos vinieron amarrados a un proveedor de telefonía, algunos vinieron de T-mobile y otros de AT&T, el primero fue un BB pearl de T-mobile, el teléfono venia bloqueado para uso con otro operador y una búsqueda rápida en la web me dio la información que necesitaba para desbloquearlo por gratis: El proveedor original del teléfono puede darle el código de activación.
Con esta información llame a T-mobile, ellos tienen una opción para Español así que la seleccione para ahorrarme algo de problemas pero después de media hora de mandarme de persona a persona no tenían idea de lo que estaba hablando y eventualmente alguien corto la llamada (o tal vez se cayo), decidí intentar la sección de Ingles y la persona con la que hable si sabia a lo que me refería y sabia que había que hacer, entonces mi consejo numero 2 es: Siempre trate de hablar con personas nativas al país de la compañía si la compañía esta en E.U. entonces en Ingles, si esta en Francia entonces Francés ustedes entienden, He encontrado que los idiomas secundarios usualmente tienen un menor acceso o entrenamiento y este comportamiento no lo he visto solo en T-mobile sino en otras compañías también, sin embargo si no conoce el idioma intente con el que si habla, puede que obtenga buenos resultados.
Esta persona sin embargo me dijo que no podían desbloquear el teléfono a menos que tuviera una cuenta con T-Mobile, algo que me pareció completamente falso en ese momento pero dado que ya estaba cansado en este momento, el hecho que no me gusta molestarme con servicio al cliente (la mayor parte del tiempo ellos en realidad tratan de ayudar), estaba pidiendo un favor y finalmente que esta era mi primera vez en esta posición decidí dejarlo así y continuar con mi opcion numero 2: Hay varios vendedores que pueden darle el código de activación.
Una búsqueda en Google dio con varias personas ofreciendo hacer esto por una variada oferta de tarifas, fui a E-bay y después de buscar compré el código de un vendedor con una buena reputación y que ofrecía sus servicios por US $30 (ya que otras personas pedían hasta US $80 me pareció una buena opción), habían otras personas ofreciendo un menor precio pero no tenían tan buena reputación. Después de un par de horas obtuve el código y pude usar el teléfono en Tigo y Movistar sin ningún problema... o eso pensé.
Resulta que el teléfono no podía enviar ni recibir mensajes SMS, después de llamar a Movistar para que me ayudaran con este problema y después de un par de horas moviendo la configuración de los libros de servicios y configuración de SMS, reiniciando varias veces y removiendo la batería y SIM (esto en especial encontre molesto pero resulta que es procedimiento estándar, como reiniciar un computador para que la nueva configuración funcione) podía enviar pero no recibir mensajes, el representante dijo que no me podían ayudar mas porque el teléfono estaba defectuoso y no fue comprado por Movistar, me rehusé a aceptar esta respuesta y decidí comenzar desde cero y borrar completamente el teléfono reseteandolo a su configuración de fabrica y para mi sorpresa cuando reinicio todo funcionaba perfectamente, estaba orgullos conmigo mismo :D, lo cual nos lleva a mi cuarto consejo: Cuando tengan un BB usado siempre comiencen borrandolo antes de intentar algo mas.
Luego vinieron un par de BB curve también de E-bay y bloqueados, repetí el proceso para desbloquearlos y funcionaron normalmente, sin embargo sus usuarios decidieron comprar planes de datos ilimitados asi que ahora tenia que configurar esto, después de comprar el servicio de Movistar obtuve los libros de servicio y las configuración empujadas a los celulares, con esto ahora podian navegar la web asi que fui a configurar el correo, buscando como hacer esto llegue a la URL (noten que es un subdominio para pide la informacion del PIN e IMEI, estos datos estan en el respaldo de los telefonos asi que esto no fue problema pero al ingresar la informacion un mensaje de error salio, pareceu que los telefonos estaban registrados con otro operador, una llamada a Movistar confirmo que seguian registrados con T-mobile y AT&T y no podian ser usados hasta que el operador liberara los PINes.
Nuevamente tenia que llamar a T-mobile, no estaba muy contento con esto despues de la ultima vez que se negaron a yudarme, sorprendentemente despues de llamar a servicio al cliente me transfirieron al area de soporte Blackberry (wow habia un area exclusiva para BB esto no me lo dijeron la ultima vez) le explique al representante la situacion y me pregunto si necesitaba desbloquear el telefono, estaba sorprendido que me ofreciera esto pero me dijo que podia hacerlo si lo necesitaba, sin embargo ya habia desbloqueado los telefonos solo necesitaba que liberaran los PIN de su base de datos para poder usar el Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) con Movistar el representante lo hizo con gusto y despues de unos minutos pude configurar el correo en los telefonos, esto nos lleva a mi ultimo consejo: No pierda tiempo con servicio al cliente, pida que lo transfieran a Soporte de BB creame siempre existe el area y estos tipos son quienes saben que hay que hacer, la situacion se repitio con AT&T y ahora todos estaban disfrutando sus nuevos juguetes.
Espero que esto los ayude cuando se encuentren en una situacion parecida.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Blackberry pins and phone providers in Colombia
Recently several persons in my company started getting Blackberries as their own personal phones and with this change came the necessary crash course to be able to help them with setting up all their stuff as I had never had the experience of working with any BB, I'm not going to talk about features or anything about the phones themselves, I'm sure there is plenty of information about it somewhere else and when I get my hand on one for myself I might rant a little about my personal experience.
Now these phones all came from the united states (I'm currently located in Colombia) and were bought used, so all of them came tied to a specific phone provider, some from T-mobile and some from AT&T, the first one was a BB pearl form T-mobile, the phone was locked for use with T-mobile only and a quick search on the web popped up the information I needed to unlock it for free: The original phone provider can give you the activation code.
With this information in hand I called T-mobile, they have a spanish speaking option so went there to save me some trouble but after half an hour or so of waiting and being bounced they had no idea what I was talking about and eventually someone hung up on me (or the call was dropped), I decided to try the english speaking section so did that and the person who talked to me was aware of what had to be done, so my tip number 2: Always try to speak with the native speakers if it's the company is in the US then English if it's in France then French you get the idea, I've found that non native languages usually get lesser access or training and this doesn't come from just T-mobile but other companies as well however if you don't speak the language try with the language you speak you might get lucky.
However this person told me that they couldn't unlock the phone unless I had an account with them, something that seemed totally bogus at the time but given that I was already tired of waiting and repeating myself, the fact I really don't like to get mad at customer service people (most of the time they really do try to help you), I was asking for a favor and that this was my first time in this position I let it go and went to option number 2: There are several sellers that can give you the activation codes.
A search on google turned up several people offering to do this for all sorts of fees, I went to ebay and after searching I bought the code from a person who seemed to have a pretty good record and went for $30 (seeing as some were asking for $80 it seemed like a good deal), now there were some going for a lower price but didn't have as good rep. After couple of hours I got the code, unlocked the phone and was able to use it on Tigo and Movistar without a hitch... or so I tought.
It turns out the phone wasn't able to send or receive SMS, after calling Movistar for help regarding this issue after a couple hours bouncing back and fort and picking at the services books and SMS settings, rebooting several times and removing the battery and SIM (I was specially annoyed about this, but turns out it's standard procedure like rebooting a computer so settings kick in) I could send but not receive messages and there they claimed to be unable to help me further as the phone was defective and was not purchased with Movistar, refusing to take this answer decided to start from zero and wiped the handheld completely resetting it to factory defaults and Lo and behold it all worked perfectly I was proud with myself :D here then comes my fourth advice: When you get a used BB always start by wiping it before attempting anything else.
Later on came a couple BB curve also from E-bay and locked, I repeated the process to unlock them and they worked normally, however their users decided to buy unlimited data plans so I now had to set this up, after buying the service from Movistar I got the service books and settings pushed to the phones, they were now able to surf the web so I went to set up email, and here comes the tricky part, searched how to to this and came up with the URL (notice how movistar is a subdomain for it asks for PIN and IMEI info, this is on the back the phones so no problem there but an error message came up, it seems the phones were registered with another operator, a call to Movistar confirmed this they were registered to T-mobile and AT&T and could not be used until the operator released the PINs.
Once again had to call to T-mobile, I wasn't thrilled about this remembering the last time they refused to help me, surprisingly after calling customer service they transferred me to Blackberry support (wow there was a BB support I wasn't told this last time) and I explained to the tech rep my situation he asked me if I needed the phone unlocked, I was shocked that he offered this but he said he could do it if need, however I had already unlocked the phones and just needed the PIN released from their database so I could use the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) with Movistar the rep was happy to do this and I was able to set up email, this bring us to my last tip: Don't waste your time with customer service, ask to be transferred to BB support there is always such area trust me and these guys are the ones that know just what to do, the situation repeated itself with AT&T and now everyone was setup and loving their new toys.
Hope this helps you whenever you find yourself in a similar situation.
Now these phones all came from the united states (I'm currently located in Colombia) and were bought used, so all of them came tied to a specific phone provider, some from T-mobile and some from AT&T, the first one was a BB pearl form T-mobile, the phone was locked for use with T-mobile only and a quick search on the web popped up the information I needed to unlock it for free: The original phone provider can give you the activation code.
With this information in hand I called T-mobile, they have a spanish speaking option so went there to save me some trouble but after half an hour or so of waiting and being bounced they had no idea what I was talking about and eventually someone hung up on me (or the call was dropped), I decided to try the english speaking section so did that and the person who talked to me was aware of what had to be done, so my tip number 2: Always try to speak with the native speakers if it's the company is in the US then English if it's in France then French you get the idea, I've found that non native languages usually get lesser access or training and this doesn't come from just T-mobile but other companies as well however if you don't speak the language try with the language you speak you might get lucky.
However this person told me that they couldn't unlock the phone unless I had an account with them, something that seemed totally bogus at the time but given that I was already tired of waiting and repeating myself, the fact I really don't like to get mad at customer service people (most of the time they really do try to help you), I was asking for a favor and that this was my first time in this position I let it go and went to option number 2: There are several sellers that can give you the activation codes.
A search on google turned up several people offering to do this for all sorts of fees, I went to ebay and after searching I bought the code from a person who seemed to have a pretty good record and went for $30 (seeing as some were asking for $80 it seemed like a good deal), now there were some going for a lower price but didn't have as good rep. After couple of hours I got the code, unlocked the phone and was able to use it on Tigo and Movistar without a hitch... or so I tought.
It turns out the phone wasn't able to send or receive SMS, after calling Movistar for help regarding this issue after a couple hours bouncing back and fort and picking at the services books and SMS settings, rebooting several times and removing the battery and SIM (I was specially annoyed about this, but turns out it's standard procedure like rebooting a computer so settings kick in) I could send but not receive messages and there they claimed to be unable to help me further as the phone was defective and was not purchased with Movistar, refusing to take this answer decided to start from zero and wiped the handheld completely resetting it to factory defaults and Lo and behold it all worked perfectly I was proud with myself :D here then comes my fourth advice: When you get a used BB always start by wiping it before attempting anything else.
Later on came a couple BB curve also from E-bay and locked, I repeated the process to unlock them and they worked normally, however their users decided to buy unlimited data plans so I now had to set this up, after buying the service from Movistar I got the service books and settings pushed to the phones, they were now able to surf the web so I went to set up email, and here comes the tricky part, searched how to to this and came up with the URL (notice how movistar is a subdomain for it asks for PIN and IMEI info, this is on the back the phones so no problem there but an error message came up, it seems the phones were registered with another operator, a call to Movistar confirmed this they were registered to T-mobile and AT&T and could not be used until the operator released the PINs.
Once again had to call to T-mobile, I wasn't thrilled about this remembering the last time they refused to help me, surprisingly after calling customer service they transferred me to Blackberry support (wow there was a BB support I wasn't told this last time) and I explained to the tech rep my situation he asked me if I needed the phone unlocked, I was shocked that he offered this but he said he could do it if need, however I had already unlocked the phones and just needed the PIN released from their database so I could use the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) with Movistar the rep was happy to do this and I was able to set up email, this bring us to my last tip: Don't waste your time with customer service, ask to be transferred to BB support there is always such area trust me and these guys are the ones that know just what to do, the situation repeated itself with AT&T and now everyone was setup and loving their new toys.
Hope this helps you whenever you find yourself in a similar situation.
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